OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents Help

To Promote an Element to Node

The drafting elements in the form of drawing and solids modeling shapes can be promoted to OpenBuildingsā„¢ GenerativeComponents nodes using the Promote Element tool.
  1. Select the drawing element in the view, followed by the Promote Element tool. The Promote To Node settings dialog opens.
  2. Set the Promote Mode to Promote. The Reference mode is used when a drawing element is intended promoting with reference to MicroStation element, as set per Promote Type.
  3. Check Use Active Symbology to apply it to the element being promoted and Keep Original to retain the element geometry in the view.
  4. Click in the view to accept data points. The Select Node Type and Technique dialog opens.
    The Node types suggested in the dialog are based on the shape of the element.

    For example, for a Circle element the node type would be (1) Circle, (2) Ellipse. Each node type can have one or more techniques listed.

    Tip: Clicking in the Option cell in heading toggles the order of the technique list.
  5. Select a Node type and a Technique in the Option list for that node type, and click OK. The selected node type and technique get applied to the promoted element.

    Arc element with 3 handles, promoted as Node Type arc with 3 points